One of the opportunities and challenges for the Church is discipling people, from new believers to seasoned Christ-followers. Churches use a variety of tools to form their people into mature Christians: small groups, Sunday school, leadership pipeline training, and other special classes.
Many churches use mass-produced, off-the-shelf curriculum. Instead, Docent custom creates curriculum from scratch for our clients. We weave each client’s DNA into every page of their curriculum to make sure it fits.
The result? Learners in a church’s discipleship program are specifically formed according to the vision, mission, and values of that particular church.
Typically (but not rigidly), we offer a two to three lesson paid Test Drive so you can see if our custom curriculum serves you well.
Author James K. A. Smith has written about the importance of the physical structures and routines that shape our day-to-day lives. These invisible “liturgies” will shape our deepest desires and longings which in turn shape everything else about us.
It would be easier, of course, if we were, as some have described it, disembodied idea machines or heads on sticks. We just take in ideas and, magically, out pops the best outcomes. That isn’t how human beings work, though. Design matters. Art matters. Appearance matters. It captures attention–and sometimes much more than that!–in powerful ways that are hard to replicate.
It isn’t enough, then, to simply communicate the right ideas. You need to communicate ideas in a way that is accessible and attractive. And usually this will require design.
Docent’s team includes designers who partner with churches and pastors to design curriculum and other church materials that don’t simply convey the right ideas through what is written on them but that are designed in a way that engages congregants and shows that the church does not simply care about ideas, it also cares about the presentation of those ideas.