Docent serves leaders of large churches with research, writing, and training.
We custom create—from scratch—content for busy pastors: sermon research, congregational surveys, small group, discipleship, and leadership pipeline curriculum, book summaries, assistance in turning the pastor’s content into books, and position papers and training seminars to help staff and/or attenders grapple with cultural challenges.
Docent partners with pastors to provide research assistance to lighten their load and help them serve their churches more effectively. We do provide sermon research, leadership consultation, and custom curriculum.
We carefully pair graduate-level researchers with our clients based on theological compatibility, and we develop relationships with clients to get to know what resources would enrich their ministry.
There isn’t enough time in the day for pastors to do all the things they need to do. The modern pastor is an administrator, organizer, and strategic planner, but many pastors weren't trained to do these things in seminary or didn't get into pastoral ministry for these reasons. We leverage our Researchers to maximize our client's time and help them focus on the things they are called to do.